Trusted medicine manufacture with well-maintained manufacturing facility
Your partner for trusted medicine manufacture with well-maintained manufacturing facility and Medinoss pharma is committed for improving human lives
Pharma graduates with decent experience are behind the inception of Medinoss Pharma. Medinoss Pharma is gradually building a meaningful presence in domestic as well as international market with Large scall General category allopathic medicine formulations with the help of highly maintained manufacturing facilities. The facility has been designed and equipped with most modern, fully integrated machineries as per the WHO-cGMP guideline to manufacture therapeutical dosage forms such as tablets, capsules, Syrup and Ointment.
The company is focusing to work on time at every time to deliver high quality products and services to our clients. The team takes due care in establishment of plant facilities such as maintaining man and material flow, validation and calibration of machineries, procurement of quality raw materials, hiring highly qualified and experienced technical staff and implementation of standard operating procedures at every stage of product manufacturing operations, which helps us to create our reputation in the market, within a short span of time.
Medinoss pharmaceutical PVT LMT is located at kothipura near Ahmedabad-Indore high way in the city Ahmedabad. Our manufacturing unit just 42 km away from the sardar Vallabhbhai patel international airport Ahmedabad. The manufacturing premises of Medinoss pharmaceutical PVT LMT is developed in 4400 sqm area with construction work done in 3600sqm area.
Right now we are having 100+ products in our basket and other in development pipe line through our well-developed F&D facility that includes different category like Anti-hypertensive, Analgesics, Anti Parkinson, Antiepileptic, Anti-inflammatory, Anti-malarial, Anti-infective, Gynaecology medicines,Anti dispressent,Anti diabetic,Antipsychotic,Antiasthamatic,Broncodialator,Gastrointestinal,Sex stimulants and Vitamin and supplements etc.
At Medinoss pharmaceutical PVT LMT works on the six-sigma principle for process excellence by implementing structured approach DMAIC for safe, Effective, affordable and consistent healthcare products. Our knowledge, Experience and commitment will make our company presence globally.
Welcome To Medinoss
At medinoss pharmaceutical pvt LTD all manufacturing process are clearly defined , systematically reviewed for associate risk in light of scientific knowledge and experience and shows to be capable of consistent manufacturing pharmaceutical products of the required quality that comply with their specifications
Branded Generic
Manufacturer of different branded generic products for all available dosage forms with maintained quality standards.
Contract Manufacturing
Contract manufacturing of all available dosage form for our valuable clients with focusing to work on time at every time to deliver high quality products and services.
Loan license manufacturing
Loan licence manufacturing of all available dosage form as per requirement of clients with fulfil all quality requirement for different markets.
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Sed sagittis sodales lobortis. Curabitur in eleifend turpis, id vehicula odio. Donec pulvinar tellus egetmagna aliquet ultricies. nec eleifend sem convallis vitae.
Sed sagittis sodales lobortis. Curabitur in eleifend turpis, id vehicula odio. Donec pulvinar tellus egetmagna aliquet ultricies. nec eleifend sem convallis vitae.
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